Isabela & Fernandina Islands

During our fourth expedition day in the Galápagos we could visit two different islands with a great diversity of species and a wonderful geology.

In the morning we navigated through really calm waters that contain an abundance of plankton due to upwellings and currents. This water attracts a lot of sea birds that come from afar looking for their first food of the day. After our morning bird watching we went along the coastal part of Isabela heading south and officially crossed the equator line. Once on the southern hemisphere we continued exploring the coast of Isabela and we could observe its marvelous geology sailing really close to its volcanoes.

Later in the morning we dropped anchor at a place called Punta Vicente Roca and immediately went on a Zodiac ride to find Galápagos penguins, flightless cormorants and ocean sun fish, we can say we successfully found all of these species and more!

In the afternoon after a nice snorkeling and our lunch, we continued with our navigation to the Island of Fernandina where we finally dropped the anchor at three, to go ashore on a nature walk on one of the most pristine places in the whole world. This island is very special because while walking you can see at least six volcanoes around you and a lot of young lava flows.
All of our guests were really happy to finish our day in this beautiful place with the perfect light at the sun down for taking really nice pictures of the flora and fauna of this magic site.