Floreana Island

Our day began with an early visit to one of the most historical places within the archipelago: Post Office Bay. From the Zodiacs we sighted some Galápagos penguins, a sting ray and some black-tipped reef sharks. Floreana Island was the first one where a human settlement was established. This occurred in the early 18th century. Nowadays, this island has the smallest human population among the four colonized islands in the Galápagos. Post Office Bay was first visited in 1793 by Captain James Colnett, who placed a wine barrel "mail box" here to facilitate the delivery of letters to Europe and the rest of the world. We continued with this amusing tradition, leaving and picking up postcards. Following the tradition the postcards have to be hand delivered, without using stamps.

Later the National Geographic Polaris was repositioned near a small satellite islet called Champion. This islet is located off the shore of Floreana Island. Our guests had the chance to explore the underwater realms of the Galápagos either from our glass bottom boat or practicing snorkeling. Zodiac rides were offered later on. We were accompanied today during the Zodiac rides by a refreshing misty rain. Rain is very unusual at this time of year because the rainy season ended up a couple months ago. However it was refreshing for everybody that was out watching the rare Floreana mocking bird, mimus trifaciatus. It was so beautiful that it's hard to believe it was real.

In the afternoon we moved to a different location, Punta Cormorant. There our guests kayaked in this amazing bay with very calm water, and the green sand beach made of olivine volcanic crystal. Later we did a hike to watch the great flamingo in the brackish water lagoon. We arrived back aboard to watch the sunset from the sky deck and see the end of another day in this magical place.