
Today we visited Post Office Bay on Floreana Island early before breakfast. This place used to be visited by pirates and buccaneers that were looking for fresh water and food. The whalers took advantage of the richness of the island, stopping there mostly to stock up their boats with giant tortoises before they would head out into the sea for up to a year long whaling trip. They left a wooden barrel on the island that they used for exchanging mail; today we continued with the tradition and traded a few of our postcards with the ones that were already in the barrel, left by previous visitors!!

Back to the ship as we were getting in line for breakfast, Paula made us come out on the upper decks to witness a beautiful show: there were two humpback whales swimming around a playful calf that kept spinning around in front of his mother and showing us its white flippers. We were so spoiled with that unique sighting that we couldn’t believe it when we heard Paula call us again for some more whales that were actually traveling with us to our next visit.

Our next activity was awesome too as we got to snorkel in some really clear waters, discovering all the beautiful variety of colorful fishes found around Champion Islet as well as the playful sea lions.

In the afternoon , we went for a nice, easy walk around Punta Cormorant, first landing on a green sand beach and then seeing the beautifully pink flamingoes that were spread out all over the lagoon and its pinkish water.

Walking a bit further through some much greener vegetation we made it to a white sand beach where stingrays took advantage of the breaking waves to dislodge any parasites sticking onto their skin. All the kids where having a bit of fun playing in the sand until it was time to get back on the ship.