Bartolomé & Santiago

The enthusiasm that our guests had this week for everything was amazing. This beautiful morning, everyone decided to go to an excursion to the top of Bartolomé; it was a short walk and the first group walked as fast as possible to get the prize. A great view of Sullivan Bay on Santiago Island with its young black lava flows and the about four hundred parasitic cones of Bartolomé.

Snorkeling with warm water conditions at Bartolomé we had very last chance for finding the Galápagos penguins at a yellowish beach with a prehistoric lookout; this is possible just dreaming but if you are here everything is possible at first sight.

At Santiago in the afternoon the beach is different compared to the morning; the black sand of James make you feel so warm that it's necessary to partake in the last snorkeling before the hike starts. A hike along the shores of James is another experience that delivers the best for our birdwatchers during the one mile hike. Sandpipers, oystercatchers, sander lings, fur seals, and more are seeing along the walk. The historic background of Santiago with the first Norwegian fishermen, the salt mines, and even the curious people that visited this island just for pleasure is amazing.

For now the last rays of the spiritual sunset showed a different manner of living in the Galápagos with the spirit of guiding in our hearts.