Española Island

Española Island is located at the easternmost part of the Galápagos and is the oldest in geologic time of the archipelago. Punta Suarez welcomed us with a brand new sea lion baby; it had been born within minutes of our arrival so it gave us a wonderful opportunity to talk about similarities between species. Galápagos hawks spotted getting ready to start hunting gave us the chance to take their pictures. The trails are crowded with red marine iguanas and sea birds such as blue-footed boobies, nesting alongside Nazca boobies and swallow-tailed gulls; our guests where amazed, realizing that this was just another normal day on the islands, though it was absolutely incredible. Unquestionably the waved albatross nest every year on this island only and nowhere else in the world.

After a delicious Ecuadorian lunch we started our afternoon activities. Kayakers paddled, and snorkelers had their first encounter with the exotic marine life: schooling and colorful reef fish and playful sea lions. For those of us that wanted to walk on the beach, sea lions made the afternoon incredibly fun.

After dinner, clear skies and Gilda’s stargazing explanation wrapped up a wonderful day in one of the most interesting destinations on the Galápagos Archipelago.