Floreana Island

We started our day disembarking at Post Office Bay; a mail system which started on this archipelago in the late seventeen hundreds and continues to work today.

After breakfast, we headed for our deep water snorkeling of the day at Champion Island. This is a site with impressive marine life due to the richness of nutrients in the water; fishes, sea lions, and many underwater creatures feed on it.

The afternoon activities included kayaking around the bay and walking on the beach at cormorant point. At four o’clock we started our walk to observe the Greater Flamingos (we counted at least fifteen of them) and the nesting site where Pacific Green Sea Turtles lay their eggs every year. Today our guests had the chance to experience some of the unique beaches that make Floreana an incredible destination.

This trip according to our guests: "Continues to be amazing. The scenery including sounds and colors are incredible. The naturalists are knowledgeable and love the work they do so they transmit that love to us."