Cerro Dragon & Sombrero Chino

Our day couldn’t have been better than what it was! The best thing about visiting the Galápagos is perhaps, besides the obvious animals and daily sightings, how incredibly naïve these animals behave. Our morning started visiting Cerro dragon, known in English as Dragon Hill. It has historically been an area where restoration of Land Iguanas successfully took place, after a long slaughtering done by feral cats and dogs.  We not only got to see them healthy and in good numbers, but the nesting grounds were visibly abundant promising a bright future for this specie.

It was also during our morning disembarkation that some of us were really lucky and witnessed a show put on by a sea lion. His hungriness made him show us his recently caught prey, a tiger moray eel. It was after several attempts that the sea lion was able to tear apart the unlucky eel just a few feet away from our Zodiac, and to our surprise, he swallowed long pieces of it as if it was spaghetti dish!

After our walk we had a snorkelling option and beach time, and several species of fish were easily identified in the clear waters off Guy Fawkes Island.

Our afternoon was equally exiting; a second round of snorkelling, kayaking options and Zodiac cruises gave us a great perspective of what Sombrero Chino (or Chinese Hat) has to offer. Not bad for our fifth full day exploring the Galápagos Islands!