Bartolomé & Santiago Islands

After an hour of smooth navigation last night, we arrived at Bartolomé Island; we anchored in a gorgeous protected bay. This morning before breakfast we headed to conquer the summit of Bartolomé and we all had an incredible time hiking the slopes of an extinct cinder cone. We were all looking forward to summiting because of the impressive landscapes that surrounded us. This island has the most famous view of the Galápagos archipelago. We have this magnificent rock that is the result of erosion and collapsed material over a long period of time; this is known as the “pinnacle rock” which stands high, as a silent observer of the bay itself.

We headed aboard to have breakfast and to get ready to go ashore once again; this time to go swimming, snorkelling and to go for the last time to the glass bottom boat. Everyone had a lot of fun since they had a chance to do a little bit of everything or just to rest peacefully while being surrounded by such great scenery. Our guests were encounter by Galápagos penguins, sea lions, white tipped reef sharks and large schools of fish. This was an amazing morning!

Our afternoon was equally great as we went on to another island, Santiago; this was one of the favorite hideout places for pirates and privateers, and one of those islands were whalers stop to get tortoises and a little bit of fresh water from the highlands. For us it was the place where we found several Galápagos marine iguanas, Galápagos fur seals, sea lions, shore birds and lots of land birds. We certainly had a wonderful time walking along the coast line in the company of so many magnificent new friends and gorgeous landscapes.

We said goodbye to the island with an amazing sunset and great memories.