Bartolomé & San Salvador Islands.

What a wonderful week! Galápagos is the best place I know to feel close to nature, at peace and true to oneself. This is what I love the most about these islands: they nurture and awaken the best in us. How can you be upset or stressed when you are surrounded by beauty? A world that has changed very little since human beings evolved on this planet. I opened my eyes this morning and saw Bartolomé Island. Its pinnacle rock with its barren landscape makes you feel transported to the beginning of life. The beach with penguins and sharks in the water, parrot fish and sea stars everywhere, colours and life, the magic of an almost untouched ecosystem. I have shared this expedition with my niece, a representative of a new generation. Children lucky enough to have the opportunity to see the world with their own eyes learn at a very young age that the world can become a better place. Our entire planet can be as pure as the Galápagos. It is possible to live in harmony, not only here, but anywhere.