Floreana Island

In the 18th Century, whalers put a barrel on the beach so that those on their way to England could pick up letters and deliver them over to their families. And here we are, in year 2008, using the same system, picking up postcards from Post Office Bay.

Today is a day full of options; we have choices from snorkeling in deep water to the glass bottom boat. Snorkeling was a fascinating experience, we could see white-tip sharks as well as eagle rays and stings rays, together with schools, layers of lots of fish. Those who were snorkeling the day before have gotten addicted to this activity.

On the other hand those who did the glass bottom boat also had the same opportunity for wonderful wildlife sightings. To end the morning everybody went around the Islet of Champion to look for the elusive Floreana mocking bird, and we succeeded, we got to see one of the rarest birds in the world.

It was 3:00 pm and some were ready for kayaking, a great activity as it gives a good chance to exercise. We probably did one mile of kayaking before going back aboard.

Some exceptional flamingos were spotted today Punta Cormorant. There was an impressive reflection coming from the olivine minerals on the sand. At the end of the day we saw some surprising sea turtles at the white beach of Punta Cormorant.

It was another great day in the paradise.