Santa Cruz Island

After a smooth long navigation from Fernandina Island, early this morning we arrived at Santa Cruz Island. We anchored in Academy Bay which is surrounded by steep cliffs and green lush vegetation all around; this morning we had a great time at the Charles Darwin Research Station, we saw the most famous giant tortoise from Galápagos; that is Lonesome George and his two females from Isabela Island. We are still waiting for the eggs laid by his females to hatch; perhaps in a few more weeks we may witness a historical moment when George finally becomes a father.

We also had a chance to explore the town and have a little taste of the Galápagos lifestyle. After spending some time visiting the local shops and observing some of the local art work, we drove up to the highlands on local motor coaches to have lunch; our restaurant, Altair, is surrounded by greenery, lovely air temperature, and the natural fresh perfume of the trees; the feeling of relaxation and fusion with nature makes the whole experience enlightening. One can imagine at this point that the possibilities are endless.

Our afternoon in the highlands was amazing; we walked through giant daisy forest, looked for Galápagos giant tortoises and saw a vermillion flycatcher perching on a tree.  We returned aboard the ship, and after dinner we were treated to some of the typical music and dances of Ecuador.