Inian Pass, Gulf of Alaska

Magnificent images surround us in Southeast Alaska. They are everywhere, waiting for us to breathe in, to ponder as poetry, to soak up as the light changes, to fish for, and to capture as pixels in our cameras.

An earlier than normal breakfast got our morning off to a strong start, excitement was almost palpable as the skies were bright and clear, the water was flat and the tide flooding around the Inian Islands. This time of year a flood tide brings an abundance of food in from the open Pacific Ocean through the pass into the inside waters of Southeast Alaska. The breakfast bell was rung loudly and hungry animals of all shapes and sizes gathered to take advantage of the rich bounty.

Right off the fantail of National Geographic Sea Bird, the Zodiacs spotted sea otters feasting on crabs and urchins along the kelp edge. Fishing trollers eased out into Cross Sound with out-riggers set for a day of salmon fishing. Steller sea lions worked the boiling tiderip, catching several different types of fish including halibut, salmon, rockfish and perch. A bald eagle also made a successful fish haul from a Sitka spruce perch all due to his “eagle eyes.”

Along the rocky shore of Fox Creek, evidence of brown bears fishing made for excellent macro photography this afternoon. Photographers were “fishing” for “the masterpiece” in the temperate rainforest where light was distracted and diffused. Shades of green and gold, evidence of waning summer and encroaching fall surrounded hikers as we explored the forest under-story. Kayakers cast off to catch a few moments of solitude along the edges of the emerald forest, pausing to watch immature gulls fish amongst the kelp using their feet.

Our hotel manager Erasmo Estripeaut treated us to drinks and appetizers on the aft sun deck as the light turned golden and mares’ tails floated across the western sky and “fish stories” were shared amongst friends new and old. As all good fishermen and photographers know, fishing is easy; it is the catching that takes patience and talent.