Red Bluff Bay and Lake Eva

An exceptional day
started in Red Bluff Bay,
with bears, oh my, of impressive size,
with their brown bear humps
and their furry rumps,
strolling and grazing,
fishing and lazing.

The steep mountains soared,
a waterfall roared,
and the helm let the ship
through a narrow gap seen
between trees, misty green.

Then north, up Chatham Strait,
where a humpback was great
for photographs,
watching, and laughs.
We waited for each breath,
admired flukes and the bubble ring left,
and just when we thought there wouldn’t be more
it leapt in the air, “a breach!”, we yelled, “score!”

Then a rainforest hike,
or kayak, if you like,
to round out the day
in a strenuous way.
Salmon, blueberry, and waterfall,
and the trees that tower over all
kept our attention,
and I probably should mention,
that a few saw a bear
walking really quite near.

Thus the Tongass abundant with beauty and gifts,
gave to us, and our hearts, they did lift.