Tenakee Inlet, Freshwater Bay, Pavlof Harbor
Waking with humpback whales just off the bow on a calm and softly overcast morning, we enjoyed our coffee while one animal lazily slapped its long pectoral fin on the water’s surface, communicating in ways we long to know more about. There were a number of these fascinating rorquals in the vicinity and the mist of their bushy blows hung in the quiet air.
Watching spring unfold in Southeast Alaska delights all your senses. From the unfurling fiddleheads of lady ferns and the joy of finding the first yellow violets to the addition being built onto the beaver lodge up near Pavlof Lake, there are signs of new beginnings everywhere. Our walk this afternoon along a stream, through forest and fen, led to spectacular views and snowcapped reflections.
Returning to the National Geographic Sea Bird under sunny afternoon skies we weighed anchor and were soon underway for new explorations of this beautiful land…within minutes, sharp eyed Kurt spotted the iconic animals we’ve been scouting for – killer whales. Lots of killer whales. At least thirty killer whales! Group after group spread over a large area and some interesting belly-up behaviors led us to wonder if spring was in the air (or sea) for these large dolphins as well as everything around us.