Kelp Bay and Lake Eva, Baranof Island

We have joining us this week the unique perspective of young travelers. This generation, in apprenticeship to inherit the planet, is exploring Southeast Alaska in a very adventurous and intimate manner. There is a spirit of exploration here that will not quell easily, and rightfully so. Wearing colorful rubber boots and accompanied with a palatable sense of anticipation, they are diving headfirst into the experience of giant trees, moss beds, scat piles, brown bears, humpback whales, bald eagles and paddling kayaks…all on our first full day together.

From the brown bears walking leisurely along the shoreline of Kelp Bay this morning, to viewing the contortionist whale feeding ridiculously close to the shoreline, to a walk in the forest primeval that looked like the perfect flight training ground for Ewoks. We are immersing ourselves in the wonders of Southeast Alaska.

One of our guests, Taylor Stone, age 15, has agreed to share with us impressions of her first day. Another young guest, Abby Rogers, age 17, is generously sharing images she captured today as well.

“Waking up and wiping the condensation off the window reveals a breathtaking view. There are trees and mountains everywhere but the scene is always changing. Meeting new people who soon become friends and partaking in different activities: hiking, kayaking and Zodiac cruising. These are things I will always remember. The vegetation is very lush and gorgeous. The isolated and remote location allows for the once in a life time opportunity to see animals such as humpback whales, brown bears and bald eagles in their natural habitat. The ship has become quite familiar and relaxing and I can always look forward to coming back and seeing all my new friends. Knowing that when I wake up I will be in a new, unfamiliar place excites me. I can hardly control myself when I know I get to explore again in the morning.” - Taylor Stone