Ideal Cove and Petersburg

The morning was very still and beautiful as the National Geographic Sea Bird anchored off Mitkof Island. Appropriately named Ideal Cove, it was as smooth as glass. The sun was poking through the clouds, and it felt warmer than the 50 degrees the thermometer registered.

After breakfast we split up into groups for various activities. Some took a Zodiac tour and others chose to explore by foot. An energetic group set off on an aerobic hike, others chose a moderate-paced walk through the beautiful Tongass National Forest. Most of the trail was a boardwalk made up of planks covered with nets. We appreciated the well-maintained trail as we hiked past streams and lakes covered with lily pads. Photo opportunities were abundant!

Petersburg, a small fishing town, was our next stop. Known for its Norwegian heritage, it has one of Alaska’s most prosperous fishing fleets, processing around $36 million of seafood a year. The town, with its friendly locals, was a fun place to get acquainted with. Fourth of July festivities included a herring toss, attracting the magnificent bald eagles.

We had several choices for the afternoon. Some took Zodiacs across the channel to Kupreanof Island. We walked through an interesting habitat called a “bog” and learned about the plants that live there. We also had the opportunity to take a guided walk along the docks. Several different fishing vessels including, long liners and gillnetters, were seen there. Some even chose to explore by air, flying over the spectacular LeConte Glacier in small sea planes.

To top off our wonderful day we were treated to a fresh Dungeness crab feast. It just doesn’t get any better than this!