Chatham Strait and Lake Eva

This incredibly sunny day started off early with a sighting of a large male orca with a peculiar dorsal fin. He led us in the direction of Iyoukeen Bay where all on board the National Geographic Sea Bird saw seven humpback whales bubble- net feeding for herring. We watched the amazing diving and surging activity for almost three hours! There were fantastic views of the large graceful creatures returning to the surface, mouths gaping wide and gulping fish. One fantastic time in particular, the entire group appeared just feet from the port side of the ship. It was truly a once-in-a -lifetime experience.

After the awe and excitement calmed down, everyone met in the lounge for fantastic presentations by our knowledgeable naturalist, Carlos Navarro, who inspired us with tales of “Orcas” and then Rich Kirchner, who discussed “Bears,” complete with stellar photos.

The afternoon activities kicked off with aerobic, long, and short hikes. Some lucky groups spotted a mother bear and a cub, while other parties hiked all the way to Lake Eva and the old growth forest.

Let’s just say that dinner was well earned and the kids settled in with a good movie and pizza, as the boat whisked us away for more adventures tomorrow.