Inian Islands, Elfin Cove, George Island

Our day was a mix of fast and slow. First, let’s talk about fast. “Whoosh” might be the best word to describe the speed of us (and the currents) as we zipped along in Zodiacs in search of Steller sea lions. Last night’s full moon meant that big tides awaited us, and the riptides were striking. And so were the sea lions munching huge salmon. Dainty eaters…they are not. A couple of big gulps and it was a done deal. The size of these marine mammals (males can exceed 1,500 pounds) was impressive (and a little daunting) as we spied their big teeth at close range!

Our guest speaker, Mary Jo Wild, explained life in the quaint colorful boardwalk village of Elfin Cove, where only twelve people live year-round. We listened intently as she described life in the slow lane. After lunch, when we visited the town, we got a strong sense of what S-L-O-W really meant, and we wondered “what-on-earth” they do for entertainment? No malls, no movie theaters, no schools, no gym. But also no crime, no noise, and no pollution. Just fresh air, clean spring water, and lots of wild, flavorful fish. More than one of us contemplated (at least for a few minutes) if we’d like to become resident number thirteen.

Back to fast: You’ve heard of the “the running of the bulls” in Pamplona, Spain? Today on George Island, Alaska, we had the “running of the children.” This week we are lucky to have a great group of eleven energetic kids who have become fast friends. They requested a run, and run they did: The entire length of George Island in record time.

Meanwhile, the rest of us enjoyed a leisurely paddle or a slow-paced walk to the end of George Island where a 6” diameter gun still resides, a remnant from WWII.

And the finale was fast-paced once again as we marveled at the breaching, pectoral flipper-slapping, tail-lobbing of a nearby humpback whale. And did somebody mention orcas? Sweet dreams shipmates. Enjoy a long slow sleep and get ready for an action-packed day in Glacier Bay.