Exploring Chatham Strait and Pavlof Harbor

Our early morning hours were filled with foggy mountaintops and elusive bubble net feeding. Announcements were made, people emerged, and the excitement continued as two large groups of humpback whales fed on schools of herring. The momentum picked up and there were multiple sightings of the whales surging to the surface near National Geographic Sea Bird! The excitement continued for a few hours while some took photographs and others stretched in a strategically positioned class to emphasize viewing of the whales. At one point Jack exclaimed, “ I think they like child’s pose,” just after they emerged right next to the class off the port side of the ship, giving the class a private viewing. It was spectacular!

The afternoon started with a fabulous lunch by the talented crew and galley, head chef, John Young. Then we zipped off in Zodiacs for tours, hikes, and kayaking. After waiting patiently, some short hikers saw the shy blond bear coming and going from the forest with snacks of fish. There were many sea stars, hermit crabs, and eagles spotted as well. The true highlight for the kids encompassed a driving lesson from the Boatswain, August Gengenbach, in which they were spotted going at high speeds and screaming in elation.

Later we gathered in the lounge for short videos on the Galápagos and Antarctica trips during our display of goods at the global market, arranged by the hotel staff and our impeccable hotel manager, Taylor Ingram. Many people found their way to the sunny deck for cocktails, games, and conversation until Recap was announced. For the start of our daily Recap and farewell speeches, the Orcas made an appearance to steal the limelight from the acclaimed captain, Shawn Nettles. The pod was complete with young whales and adults alike, breeching and playing while on the hunt.

Dinner was impressive and very satisfying, as usual. What a great day!!