Cruising Baranof Island and Hiking Lake Eva

Our introduction to Southeast Alaska would be one for the record books. In a temperate rain forest it generally doesn’t get too hot or too cold. In my opinion it’s just right. Today, however, was the hottest day I have yet to experience this season. From the morning wakeup call at Kasnyku Waterfall to the humpback whale viewing in Kelp Bay, we enjoyed the beauties of the Tongass National Forest in beautiful sunlight. As the day progressed and the sun climbed higher, layers were shed and sunscreen was procured, a true oddity in this locale.

Escaping the relatively scorching Southeast Alaska sun, we dove into the refreshing waters of Lake Eva. Our dry suits were sweltering so the splashdown couldn’t have come any sooner. While guests enjoyed the intricacies of the temperate rain forest, replete with a mother and cub brown bear fishing in a salmon-choked river, our high-intensity LED lights plied the dark waters for colorful secrets. Distant green boulders were illuminated revealing purple and pink coralline algae harboring rockfishes and shrimps. Curious dusky rockfishes eyed us with the piscine wisdom reserved only for the longest-lived reef dwellers.

The momentum from our exciting first day propels National Geographic Sea Bird north for tomorrow’s adventure.