Los Islotes and Ensenada Grande on Isla Partida

First thing after breakfast we threw ourselves into the waters surrounding the guano-crusted islet of Los Islotes. Amongst the cavorting and contortionist sea lions twirling in the waters, we floated and paddled about. In contrast to the sleek grace of the sea lions, we were clumsy, neoprene-wrapped Zodiac jetsam. It was a thrill of a lifetime. An eared-grebe paddled at the edge of the islet, its impossibly fluffy butt did not hold it back from making periodic dives and popping to the surface like feathered popcorn. A wind from the south forced the blue-footed boobies to deploy their landing gear early in their approach, giving us an opportunity to admire their extraordinarily turquoise webbed appendages before perching on their frosted islet.

Upon our departure from our anchorage, a cow-calf pair of humpback whales was sighted. The youngster rolled to its side and slapped the water a few times with its massive pectoral fin. We clapped in appreciation as the pair dove and their flukes cleared the water. Then whoosh! A breach! The calf flew out of the water, became temporarily airborne and then crashed with a great splash back into the sea. An unexpected, but much appreciated, callisthenic by this exuberant cetacean.

Turquoise waters at the end of the shallow bay of Ensenada Grande contrasted with the rich ochers of the canyon walls. We found sand to wiggle our toes in, had seed pods hitchhiking on our ankles and found assorted bird and crab tracks crisscrossing the small sand dune at the head of the beach.

Whether clambering over boulders, taking a meandering stroll up the arroyo or admiring the weathered tafoni from a Zodiac, the landscape of Baja California has continued to enchant us.

Inspiration mixed in with this enchantment and a smidgen of discovery has resulted in three contributions from our younger travelers. We invite you to enjoy their poems.

Sea of Cortez by Mike MacGillivray, Age 13
The Sea of Cortez has beautiful fish
Living in peace is their only wish
Their colors are a delight
Their size can give a fright
To me, they look better on my dish.

Grebes By Nik Blaskovich, age 8
Dark fuzzy eared grebes
Diving through the green water
Capturing small fish

Dolphins By Alex Blaskovich, age 12
iving deep
On going energy
Living in the ocean
Playing with friends
Happy as can be
In the ocean, always in motion
Never giving up.