Los Islotes and cruising around Isla San Jose

Our final day began with another gorgeous sunrise and flat calm seas. We left our anchorage and slowly made our way to Los Islotes, our destination for the morning. We were greeted to these small islands by the loud sounds of the California sea lions. A large group is present here year-round, and their barks echo off the steep, rocky cliffs. Birds swarmed around us and even a few dolphins were spotted.

Our morning was focused on these amazing rocks at Los Islotes, and especially the sea lions. Many of us decided to enter their world and see them underwater. Incredibly graceful and playful, they are wonderful to be in the water with. Curious youngsters approached many of us, while larger males cruised by, barking underwater. Fun was certainly had by all. Most of us also did a Zodiac tour around the islands to see not only the sea lions but also the many birds. Blue-footed boobies were certainly a highlight, with a few even dancing to show off their feet.

After lunch we headed north to an area with a steep drop-off, in search of more marine mammals. Persistence paid off, with two massive blue whales being seen. Feeding right on the contour lines signifying where the land drops deep into the abyss, we got amazing views of these largest of the whales. While not quite as playful as our previous sightings of gray and humpback whales, it was wonderful to experience the blue whales making a living feeding on krill with a gorgeous backdrop.

As the sun dipped behind the Sierra de la Giganta, a massive feeding frenzy was the end of our day. Hundreds of common dolphins joined in with pelicans, boobies, gulls, and shearwaters in a feast of small fish. The light on Isla San Jose was stunning, as many of us reflected back on this spectacular week in Baja California.