Magdalena Bay

Magdalena Bay is a large bay on the southwest of the Baja Peninsula. It has been our home for the last two days, and we are beginning to get a feel for the place. Strong tidal currents make for a rich ocean ecosystem, constantly bringing in new nutrients from the open sea. Massive dunes line one side, while lush mangroves cover the opposite shore. This makes for a spectacular place, and our third and final day here was another incredible experience.

We awoke to a perfect morning with sunny skies and not a breath of wind. Glassy reflections made for outstanding photography. Our focus for the morning was, of course, more gray whale action. After a full day yesterday, no one seemed tired of the whales, and this morning was another stellar experience. In my opinion, being here with the whales in their world is one of the greatest wildlife experiences of all. To be so close and to interact on their terms cannot be duplicated. The experience that we all shared will not be forgotten.

In the afternoon, we headed south, and explored the area around Sand Dollar Beach. Some of us crossed the dunes to explore one of the most beautiful beaches anywhere. Massive dunes littered with middens made for a fun walk. Others of us walked the near shore looking for birds. As the tide dropped, more and more birds came to feast on the richness of this bay. Shorebirds of every size were probing into the mud while pelicans, egrets, and gulls were feeding in a frenzy in the deeper water.

The abundance of life that fills Magdalena Bay is astounding, and we got to experience it at its finest.