Islas San Jose & San Francisco

It was a perfect “Ides of March” day arriving at Isla San Jose. The colorful, streaking glaze of a sunrise was astounding. We started our day with a stretch class complete with a pod of dolphins jumping in the arching movements unique to their sleek bodies.

The morning activities commenced with hiking along Punta Colorado to view the fossils visible in the eroding rocks of the cliffs. Next the snorkelers scoured the ocean floor for sea stars and brightly-colored fish, while avoiding the hydroids.

After a well-deserved lunch and relocation cruise to Isla San Francisco, we ran the gamut of expeditions along the shoreline. Half Moon Bay became host to those who tried their hand at kayaking; others snorkeled from the beach, and an adventurous few went exploring inland to the salt flats area.

Afterwards everyone gathered to have a glorious BBQ dinner ashore, complete with a bonfire, storytelling, and tasty strawberry s’mores. As we were all tired, the Zodiacs swiftly loaded us up and whisked us back to our home aboard the National Geographic Sea Bird. Another perfect day in Baja California Sur!