Los Islotes and Isla Espirtu Santo, Bahia Bonanza

Wafting on the morning breeze the odiferous remnants of digested fish caught our olfactory attention. With wrinkled noses we approached the rocks of Los Islotes. Perched, splayed, poised and posed California sea lions were sprinkled along the lower rocks and ledges. Boisterous individuals barked in obfuscate dialect; only they knew the meanings of their morning mutterings.

Blue-footed boobies circled overhead, turkey vultures rode lift above the islet, a few brown pelicans flew by and yellow-footed gulls sounded as though they were laughing at a joke that only they had heard the punch line to. Sally Lightfoot crabs silently tickled the barnacles along the low tide line as they clung tip-toed, working their way between splashes and an occasional curious sea lion.

Starting with wiggling our toes in the sands of Bahia Bonanza we wiled away our time by kayak paddling, beach strolling, desert wandering and life pondering. We worked up quite the appetite with such a busy afternoon. With a blush of a sunset to the west, we planted ourselves comfortably in beach chairs circled around the bonfire and dined on a scrumptious meal ashore.

Stars twinkled above as we rode home in the dark by Zodiac. Slightly sandy but satisfyingly satiated we bid our day and island farewell as we retired to a warm bed, embraced a soft pillow and were rocked into a peaceful sleep.

Things to See by Anna Sherman, age 10

Up early a whale to see
Big blue and a fin
Many things there are to see

Whales and Sea Lions by Grace Wallace, age 12

Sun on the water
Enjoying the view
Ah ha! There is a whale!

But they are too quick to see
In the water they play
Rolling and
Diving sea lions we see