Isla Partida, Ensenada Grande

The north wind is blowing, but that is okay: we are headed south and today while we snuggle in at our anchorage at Ensenada Grande, the winds have bought us the luxury of time. This morning we made the most of a relaxed mosey and adopted the wandering amble. For some, the top of the arroyo and its magnificent view was their goal, for others, a leisurely stroll amongst the riotous blossoms and tangle of vegetation that has burst forth with the recent rains. Flowers galore carpet the desert floor as plants literally climb and clamber over one another. Whether to showcase blossoms for tempting passing pollinators, get a better perch for a bit more solar radiation or disperse seeds, the rambunctious botany stole the show. All colors of the rainbow are perched as petals on flowers, large and small. Gretchen found a lovely snake meandering along the arroyo, which cooperatively crossed the sand and was admired by a second group of our guests.

For the afternoon it was water sports and Zodiac cruises. A group of small rays cruised along the edge of the bay, and snorkelers made every effort to get a look at these underwater fliers. Gracefully flapping, the rays swam about the bay, while snorkelers paddled furiously in attempt to keep up. For those on the Zodiac cruises, they had their challenge of photographing flying rays. As the rays swam, some would periodically leap from the water in temporary flight, a visual treat as well as a photographic challenge all rolled up into one black and white potato chip. Brown pelicans slept or preened while perched along the sculpted cliffs of Isla Partida.

As the sun descended in the western sky, we finished up with our last Zodiac cruises, came inside for cocktails and appetizers in the lounge and the evening glowed with a blush of a sunset on the horizon.

A windy day brought us into the protection of this bay, and we took the time to immerse ourselves and revel in its beauty.