Kynoch Inlet, Fiordland Recreation Area/British Columbia Inside Passage

Sunrise was slow to come this morning. The sky was clear but the National Geographic Sea Bird was deep in Kynoch Fjord bounded by soaring walls of granite. The air was cool, the scenery was stunning and a couple of mountain goats were spotted wandering amongst the shrubbery in the safety of the precipitous cliffs.

Warmth ensued as the sun reached the bottom of the “canyon”. Kayaks and Zodiacs were deployed and we entered Culpepper Lagoon through a narrow slot with a strong ebbing current. We explored the inner bay with our vessels and on foot, photographically taking advantage of, and experimenting with, the changing light. Harbor seals, fine mist, birds, forest vegetation, and expedition travelers were our subjects. The ship was also in fine light, with a dramatic background.

In the afternoon we snaked our way through the scenic waterways of the British Columbia Inside Passage, interrupted briefly by two humpback whales traveling side by side. At one point they surfaced close to the ship, right off the bow! The sunshine was glorious and it was difficult to leave the decks for cocktail hour, recap and dinner.

The National Geographic Sea Bird continues its southward migration.