Lower Monumental Lock and Palouse River

A diverse array of options were available today. Our menu included delectable choices; whether to cruise into Lower Monumental lock by Zodiac or to stay on the National Geographic Sea Bird. Either way we gained a unique view of the process and influence of water. The balmy morning melded into a perfect afternoon for a picnic lunch on deck and we basked in the autumnal sunshine.

For the afternoon, we were presented with additional choices of Zodiac cruising the calm waters of the Palouse River, exploring the Palouse Falls State Park and the namesake waterfall, or paddling placidly along the steep basaltic cliffs. Golden eagles delighted the Zodiac cruisers as the birds circled over our heads and were then chased by a smaller raptor.

The reflective waters up canyon offered photographers a chance to compose, contemplate and capture the essence of the moment. Kayakers relished in the quietude and solitude of their singular watercrafts. All who gazed upon the waters of the Palouse River, spilling carelessly over the edge and into the plunge pool, reflected on the power of the simple life giving element, water.