Clarkston, Washington

Another fantastic day on board the National Geographic Sea Bird! Stretch class and breakfast took place with a backdrop of a glorious sunrise. We pulled up to the dock, finding our “twin” sister-ship, the National Geographic Sea Lion, already tied up in port in Clarkston, Washington. Imagine the surprise!

Shortly after arrival, the jet boats and autobuses were ready to whisk away eager students of history, bringing them to famous Lewis and Clark sites and orienting them with the local landscapes. The motor coach group stopped at many locations mentioned in the expedition journal and had an expert historian and interpreter, Lin Laughy and Jerry Garret, to host the trip. The Jet boat- owned by Beamers Hells Canyon Tour, took the group into the heart of Hells Canyon National Recreation Area on the Snake River. There were sightings of big horned sheep, coyotes, and birds such as intrepid coots, blue herons, hawks, and wild turkeys.

Amazing information was offered about the landscape and geology by Grace Winer and Linda Burback. Finishing the daily outings, all had the option to meet at the Nez Perce National Historic Park for some culture and, you guessed it, more history!! The weather was warm and sunny; people were happy and enjoyed cocktails before the final recap and captain’s farewell dinner. What an amazing trip, rich with culture, exploration, and history!