Chatham Strait and Lake Eva

Southeast Alaska showed her true colors today, bringing us face to face with the defining aspects of a temperate rainforest. We slowly cruised in the mercurial morning, arriving in Hood Bay on Admiralty Island. We peered at the shoreline, eyes focused through binoculars in search of movement on the shore. Admiralty Island always looks to be a mysterious place, and its multitudes of bears hid behind every tree and shrub this morning.

Moving out of the bay, we crossed Chatham Strait, a waterway with which we have become quite familiar the past few days. John gave a wonderful presentation about Southeast Alaska’s Nature and Habitats, and highlighted much of the flora and fauna we have experienced thus far in our journey.

Entering into Sitkoh Bay, on the southwestern tip of Chichagof Island, we began searching once again. Within minutes, a coastal brown bear appeared at the top of the intertidal zone. Seeming not to notice the meteorological aspects of the morning, it continued to graze and forage in the tall grasses. Sitkoh Bay is also host to the old Chatham Cannery, now seemingly restored and used as a remote lodge of some sort.

Our final destination for the day was Hanus Bay, at the edge of Peril Strait, on Baranof Island. As the tide rose throughout the afternoon, we ventured in and out of the forest canopy and paddled our way into Lake Eva’s peaceful lagoon. Lake Eva is lush, boasting great diversity in plant life, and is always full of surprises. Perhaps it is best beloved of our younger travelers because of its thick, gooey, Alaskan mud. An elemental facet of the hiking experience, Lake Eva’s mud covers boots, rain pants, and the occasional backpack, but never manages to disappoint! The tidal lagoon, accessible to us today, was a tranquil destination. As it is just beginning to attract salmon for the season, we encountered the occasional bald eagle or harbor seal, searching for an easy meal.

Evening brought us cruising south, back into the waters of Chatham Strait. Rain and cloud cover could not begin to deter us from another day in one of the most beautiful places on earth.