Lynn Canal and Funter Bay

Our morning began with beautiful lighting and calm seas. A silver-colored mist greeted us as we moved north through Stephens Passage. Shortly after breakfast, we began to see numerous whale blows in the distance. The air was calm and the blows remained vertical for a very long time. It soon became apparent that we were seeing the result of many whales working together in cooperative feeding. Repeatedly, a group of 8-10 humpback whales would dive to a relatively shallow depth, and then erupt at the surface in an explosion of whale breath and briny sea. This was an incredible sight and enthralled us for nearly 3 hours. In the midst of all the excitement, it became clear that we were not only experiencing one species of cetacean, but two. In the distance, numerous black fins rose above the surface of the water as killer whales surfaced to breathe. The killer whales followed the coastline, traveling in a group of 4-5 individuals. We enjoyed the views for a long time, including the distant looks at Herbert Glacier and Sentinel Island Lighthouse.

Our course took us southward, along the northern point of Admiralty Island. This section, called the Mansfield Peninsula, is separate from the rest of the island which was designated as a National Monument in 1978. Pt. Retreat Lighthouse sits at the northernmost edge of the island and we enjoyed a view of this historic site out of the windows of our ship.

Our afternoon brought us to Funter Bay. This beautiful spot has experienced numerous phases of human habitation, from a Native Tlingit village, to a large mine, to one of the biggest canneries in Southeast Alaska at the turn of the century. Now, the bay is a quiet refuge for people wanting to live a bit “off the grid”. Our explorations allowed us to kayak around this lovely, quiet bay and to explore the forest trails. The trees disguised many buildings, an old cannery barge and even the remains of what seems to be an old railroad track.

Throughout the afternoon, the sun shone and the seas remained calm. We enjoyed a beautiful evening aboard the ship, quietly anchored in Funter Bay. The kids convened for pizza and a movie, while the adults gathered in the dining room for another fantastic meal. It was an incredibly full day and our minds were as satiated as our stomachs. Amazing wildlife, beautiful weather, and a chance to explore an incredible island all made for a phenomenal day.