Pacheca and Bartolome, Pearl Islands

We awoke early in the Gulf of Panama to bright sunshine. Leaving the National Geographic Sea Lion by Zodiac, we went to explore Pacheca and Pachequita Islands. These small islands are part of the Las Perlas Archipelago consisting of over 200 islands. They get their name from the abundance of pearls in the area before the Spanish harvested them all. The most famous pearl from these islands is called “La Peregrina” which was given by Richard Burton to his wife Elizabeth Taylor in the 1960’s.

As we cruised along the rugged shoreline we spotted many species of seabirds, such as brown and blue footed boobies, brown pelicans, oyster catchers, yellow crowned night herons, and magnificent frigatebirds. We saw male frigatebirds with their bright red pouches inflated in the hopes of attracting a female. Some of last season’s immature frigates were still nesting with their mothers perfecting their kleptoparasitic abilities. Sally Lightfoot crabs were dotting the rocks and we also saw a large male iguana and three agoutis foraging among the trees.

Back aboard the ship we moved our anchorage to Bartolome Island. The beautiful white sandy beach and turquoise water looked like a postcard. Some spent the day in the warm ocean snorkeling and swimming. Cornet reef fish and bi-colored parrot fish were observed near the rocks. Other activities were kayaking, strolling along the shore and relaxing and soaking up rays. Sure doesn’t seem like it is 3 days before Christmas in this tropical paradise.