Granito de Oro at Coiba National Park

No wake up, the program said today! This was probably well received this morning by most of our guests on board National Geographic Sea Lion. Furthermore, this was a clear indication to commence a leisurely day at the beach in Panama. We heard the announcement on the PA system: welcome to Panama. For many of us, a little sad good bye to Costa Rica but a cheerful occasion for the Panamanians on board the ship. Panama is absolutely a magnificent country and we are all happy to visit such a wonderful area. This country offers so many attractive realms such as fascinating islands and the always expected Panama Canal.

Today, National Geographic Sea Lion made its first stop in Panama in a small piece of rock decorated with white sand and an outstanding coral reef full of colorful tropical fish. The surroundings of Coiba Island encompass an enormous wealth of marine resources. These insular areas are all protected by the ANAM, which is the Panamanian authority in charge of the administration and protection of natural resources of Panama. In fact, due to the importance of the marine life in the area, a National Park Ranger came to give us a hand with our activities as well as keep a keen eye on the island. I must say that –for the majority of the guests- their first encounter with wildlife on the island was by hundreds of hermit crabs at the beach. The hermit crabs practically occupy every square meter of the sparkling white sand at this site. They will eat whatever organic material they can find, including the remaining of my breakfast apple. It didn’t really take much for them to find it and “finish it” for me.

The island was a great joy to our dear guests who tried several ways to enjoy the turquoise waters. Some tried swimming others wading, snorkeling and certainly our kayaks were a preferred option. Our expedition travelers put all their best efforts towards learning a few tips to manage snorkeling from this beautiful beach. Quite soon, a great number of self-acclaimed –first time snorkelers - were happily enjoying the transparent waters of Granito de Oro and the incredible diversity of life under the water surface. Some guests went swimming, some were relaxing on a chair and –once again- some more went snorkeling, or had another chance to go kayaking in paradise.

All too soon, we were called on board National Geographic Sea Lion, luring our guests with a lovely meal prepared by the galley. This is one of my favorite lunches on board, “home made tacos” accompanied by “pico de gallo” and delicious guacamole.

During the afternoon, we sailed through the endless waters of the great Pacific Ocean on our way to the Gulf of Panama. Tomorrow, another adventure, and new exciting places to explore on board the National Geographic Sea Lion!