Corcovado National Park & Caletas Reserve

I am basically a morning person. If you don’t believe me, ask my wife, because she is not! Nevertheless, we can always find a magic formula for understanding each other and –most of the times- accomplishing a negotiated agreement. This is why I enjoy starting early with our activities on board the National Geographic Sea Lion and offering several different options to our guests since the first sun rays light up our trip. The option will always be available to everyone: staying in bed and waking up late for many more activities during the day, or perhaps, start early and living memorable moments with other “early souls”.

Therefore, we commenced our expedition day with a spectacular journey into the hidden realms of Drake Bay. Taking advantage of a very high tide, the Zodiacs were able to explore bends and tracts of practically never disturbed river environments in the middle of the most pristine rain forest of Osa Peninsula. The results of the expedition were absolutely fantastic, and we were able to observe one of the most elusive species of monkeys in Costa Rica, the squirrel monkey, among many more critters. One of the naturalists spotted this magnificent monkey, and very soon all three Zodiacs were in place for this unforgettable show. The little monkey, one of the four species present in our country, captivated everyone with its special charisma, and surprising jumps between trees and lianas.

Later on, the National Geographic Sea Lion repositioned in front of Caletas Bay, where we were able to ride horses and take a couple of different walks within this private reserve. The climax for the morning occurred when the galley presented a special BBQ lunch to our guests, right on the private beach.

After an invigorating lunch, we were all ready to go back to the ship, and perhaps take a siesta before the great walk planned for Corcovado National Park. Our guests were very excited about this unique opportunity, and prepared for the outing. The Purser called the first guests who would take part of the waterfall walk, followed by the “almost flat” walk along the beach of Corcovado National Park.

Everyone had a great time exploring these wonderful trails, but those who decided to go to the waterfall had the special opportunity to take a dip into the fresh waters of Corcovado.
I cannot say enough about this area of paradise in Costa Rica. The guests on board the ship believed that today was perhaps the best day of the expedition. However, we still have many more days to come, and we highly expect every day will be as special as this day, or perhaps better. The sunset announced the end of the day, while the shades of dusk started covering the hidden gardens of Osa Peninsula. Only the spirits of the forest can tell us about the origin of so much beauty, in one single country: Costa Rica!