Gulf of Panama, Bona and Taboga Island, Panama Canal

Today we all woke up very excited, a new day full of new adventures was waiting for us, and we knew it was going to be an amazing day. With beautiful weather, soon we were all ready for our first outing with our Zodiacs. Our destination: Bona Island. This island is home to several species, including the famous blue-footed booby, brown booby, magnificent frigatebird and brown pelican. As we are on a photo expedition, the main challenge was to get a sharp shot from the Zodiacs. My objective as a photo instructor was to give the best photo tips to our guests to achieve our main goal: great photos of these beautiful birds.

After this lovely morning our day continued with a nice surprise for our guests, a visit to Taboga Island. Taboga was first visited in 1513 by Vasco Nunez de Balboa; however this time it was our turn to explore the narrow sidewalks, meet with the locals, and visit its beautiful little Catholic church. Today a cement church has replaced the original one that was built in 1524, the same time they founded the town. To finish our time on the island we were invited to visit the home of our hotel manager, Erasmo, who lives on this delightful island.

By 2:00 p.m. it was time to leave with great memories; however the day continued with a lot of expectations for crossing the Panama Canal. Our transit of this masterpiece of engineering that everyone wants to see and photograph finally started to happen by late afternoon, when the pilot of the Canal got on board and our journey across the Panamanian isthmus began. Panama City and the bridge of the Americas gave us the welcome to the port of Balboa.