Manuel Antonio National Park and Biesanz Beach

On this, our final morning, we were treated to viewing a spectacular rainbow shining across the skies of Manuel Antonio. We took this as a sign that an amazing day was about to begin. We got our Zodiacs ready and a couple minutes later we disembarked on the beautiful white sand beach of Manuel Antonio National Park. One by one our guests stepped off the Zodiacs and right there in front of the group was a Hoffman’s two-toed sloth welcoming everyone to this beautiful national park.

With equipment assembled, the guests were divided into smaller groups: long hike, short hike, photo expedition hike, and natural history hike, giving everyone the activity they desired for the morning. Along the trails we found many species of wildlife. The Central American agouti, black spiny-tailed iguanas and anoles were some of the creatures we had the opportunity to enjoy and photograph today. After the hikes, the group was rewarded with a refreshing rain in addition to a soothing swim in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean of Costa Rica. It was the perfect ending to our day at this little piece of paradise known as Manuel Antonio National Park.

Our amazing experiences of the morning had everyone ready for a nutritious and relaxing lunch break. However, the day wasn’t over and our expedition leader had another great activity in store for our guests. The afternoon was spent enjoying swimming and kayaking at Biesanz Beach. This is a little white sand beach hidden in between the rain forest and the rock cliffs. It was the perfect way to end a wonderful last day in Costa Rica!