Caletas and Corcovado National Park

At the break of dawn we arrived to our second destination in Costa Rica, Punta Caletas, on the outer edge of the Peninsula de Osa.

Punta Caletas is a part of the buffer zone of the massive and remote Corcovado National Park, which we also visited later today in the afternoon.

After dropping anchor and enjoying breakfast, we proceeded to disembark in Caletas. Upon arrival we started dispersing in different directions, some guests went horseback riding along the beach and the forests edge, others walking the different trails into the pristine forest, and a few just preferred to stay to comb the beach.

During our walks we could observe the different tropical plants, and the magnificent trees inside of the forest. Also some had the opportunity to get really good looks at scarlet macaws eating beach almond seeds.

After our barbecue lunch on the beach we returned to reposition the National Geographic Sea Lion to the nearby San Pedrillo station of Corcovado National Park. For our afternoon activities we had walks to the waterfalls of San Pedrillo and the Pargo River by the forests edge.

Guests on the waterfall hike had the opportunity to enjoy a forest walk, views of the scenic waterfall itself and a refreshing swim in a pool by a smaller waterfall. Those that took the option for the Pargo River had an easier and leisurely walk through the forest with good views of some elusive forest birds like slaty-tailed trogons, dotted-winged antwrens. They were also very lucky to see troops of howler monkeys on the move. It is worth mentioning that some of the trees along the Pargo trail are truly magnificent, several ficus trees with their giant buttresses and tentacle roots, the giant garlic tree was booming and on the forests floor we could find several of the sulfur colored flowers that smell like garlic and give this tree it’s name.

Several of our guests were really impressed with the columns of thousands of leaf-cutter ants busily de-leafing their tree of choice today.

So, it was a great day in Corcovado and Caletas, with a combination of scarlet macaws and howler monkeys. Tomorrow we will see what awaits us in the famous Manuel Antonio National Park on the Central Pacific coast of Costa Rica.