Pedro Gonzales Island, Panamá Canal – Miraflores and Pedro Miguel Locks

We all woke up very excited this morning at the Gulf of Panama, the reason was very simple, we all were informed by our expedition leader that for the very first time the National Geographic Sea Lion was going to drop anchor in front of Pedro Gonzales Island.

For all us just the idea of being the first travelers that were going to visit this island made feel not only special but explorers as well. We all disembarked on our Zodiacs to finally enjoy the hidden treasures of this island. The treasures were a long sandy beach in a sheltered cove in addition to all kind of different species of seabirds such as cormorants, brown pelicans, American oystercatchers, and magnificent frigate birds in between others.

This was definitely the perfect way to start our day followed by a delicious lunch served in our dining room. But the day wasn’t over yet because one of highlights of our trip was right in front of us, the Panama Canal. By 3:45 p.m. we were notified that the Panamanian pilot was ready to get on board in order to take us through the Miraflores and Pedro Miguel locks. Rapidly all the guests filled up the bow ready for an experience of a lifetime—to cross the Panama Canal aboard National Geographic Sea Lion.

Just like every evening, we all enjoyed a great dinner and shared stories of the day, stories that are going to be told over and over again once our guests return home.