Caletas & Corcovado National Park (San Pedrillo Ranger Station)

It is always a treat for all of us to wake up right in front of one of the most biodiverse places in the world, the Osa Peninsula. Having 2.8 percent of the world’s biodiversity, the Osa Peninsula is always full of surprises for our guests; scarlet macaws were part of the welcome team that was waiting for us at Caletas. We all gathered by the beach ready to begin our three different activities: horseback riding, long hike, or a photo walk were our choices to enjoy the morning at this amazing place.

Noon brought the “all aboard” announcement and one-by-one the Zodiacs returned to the ship, just in time to enjoy another delicious lunch and get ready for the afternoon activity, a visit to Corcovado National Park.

After a short navigation we made it to San Pedrillo and again the Zodiacs were ready to take us into a new adventure, the national park where the rain forest meets the Pacific Ocean…Corcovado. One of the most beautiful things about nature is how unpredictable it is, hence I like to tell our guests, “always expect the unexpected.” We started our hike and a couple minutes later entered El Pargo trail. Mother Nature gave some of us a beautiful gift, a puma walking along the trail confirmed once more that Corcovado National Park is a must in every one of our expeditions.

Finally, after a day full of emotions and adventures we were all ready to say goodbye to this lovely place, knowing that the future of that puma was secured by our National Parks system and our love for the conservation and preservation for the flora and the fauna in Costa Rica.