Golfo Dulce and Casa Orquídeas

There is no better way to give a warm Costa Rica welcome to our guests than starting the day with an amazing Zodiac exploration. The sun was starting to warm us up and in the distance we heard the howler monkeys giving us their unique good-morning greeting. As we approached the mountain that meets the ocean, the excitement was evident amongst all of us.

The white-faced monkeys were the first to appear in between the trees. The curiosity was stronger in a couple of individuals, who dared to get closer to our Zodiacs, giving us the chance to take some great photographs that we would later share with everyone back aboard National Geographic Sea Lion.

But the morning wasn’t over yet; herons, egrets, terns, gulls, iguanas, and howler monkeys enlarged our list of wildlife sightings during these Zodiac exploration cruises.

Back at the ship we all enjoyed a delicious lunch followed by an amazing presentation about primates given by Isabel Salas; a great way to complement the morning’s explorations.

The day continued as planned and in the afternoon we disembarked at Casa Orquideas, a paradise for plants and nature lovers; orchids, bromeliads, and heliconias bloomed everywhere. These amazing gardens are the perfect place to introduce our guests to the tropical flora of Costa Rica.

At the end of our visit, the scarlet macaws and toucans visited us, making this day a remarkable one that will stay forever in the hearts of our beloved guests.