Krka Falls National Park

After sunrise we heaved our anchor and got underway to pick up the local pilot from the port of Sibenik. As we entered the narrow channel called Kanal Sveti Ante we passed the signal station on our port side and an aged but stoutly built Venetian fortress on the starboard side. The pilot and our Captain brought the ship through the narrow channel and into the port of Sibenik.

After breakfast we all boarded our motor coach and ventured inland to explore Krka Falls National Park. The sound of rushing water was everywhere as was the water that was doing the rushing. Most of the morning was spent on the trail that circled the impressive Skradinski Buk waterfalls. This gave us many angles from which to view the falls or take photos.

Once we arrived at the base of the falls there were a few brave souls that took a dip in the Krka River. It was reported to be warmer than the Adriatic, at least for now. Some of the local women had their tables set up along the steps up from the end of the trail so we had to inspect their offerings and take some samples back with us. There were figs, sugared almonds, cherries, walnuts and a local drink called raki. Upon our return to the port we followed our local guide into the old part of this charming town. We wandered the back alleys, looked in the local shops and some guests ventured into St. James Cathedral.

Just after lunch the Sibenik pilot was aboard once again and we were underway outbound for the Adriatic. During the morning the wind had come up out of the South so we opted to take advantage of this and sail for the afternoon rather than anchor for a swim call. We remained underway through sunset and into the evening on our way southbound for Korcula.