Kythnos Island, Greece
After a beautiful and exciting night of Greek dancing and some local exploration, we all turned in, only to awaken to the beautiful island of Kythnos. We enjoyed an opportunity to sleep in a bit, have breakfast and prepare for our day of Panoramic events on the island.
Ellie shared a little about archaeology in Greece and some of the important considerations when working on an archaeological dig. This information was wonderful preparation for the Panoramic teams who were welcomed onto the beach to their very own archaeological site, where each team was able to dig for artifacts and rebuild a pot that their team had created the day before. It was inspiring to watch as the kids came together and used teamwork to complete the difficult task.
After the dig the Olympic events commenced and teams competed in the long jump, javelin, discus, kayak race and the grand finale of the swimming race. It was all great fun, with good laughs and amazing sportsmanship. Families swam and played for a couple hours and then headed back to the ship for another amazing meal, probably wondering, like me, how it is possible that we are so hungry again after all the food!
As if all of that was not wonderful enough, we got to spend the afternoon sailing to Loutra Bay, where we anchored and swam in the crystal clear aqua water. After we were all warmed up and ready, both the young and young-at-heart participated in a fierce jumping-off-the-side-of-the-ship competition. We had tidal waves of huge splashes and some very creative jumps that even included the “jumping Buddah.”
The evening started with an educational and very interesting talk about wind and weather of the sea, led by Executive Officer Mark. The adults headed downstairs for a nice sit-down dinner and the kids stayed in the lounge for pizza and a movie.
It was another beautiful and exciting day, filled with sports, laughter and plenty of swimming.