Genovesa Island

Visiting the island of Genovesa was quite an experience! Early in the morning we managed to get into the island's old caldera, where the shallowness of the bay gave the captain and his officers an opportunity to prove their abilities sailing the ship. As usual, the well-experienced captain and his crew made their way, and safely dropped anchor inside the caldera. Nobody knew at that point just how incredible the day would turn out to be. Our expectations got very high when, right after landing, we saw our first red-footed booby. Frigate birds and swallow-tailed gulls were flying above our heads in such a number, that the Alfred Hitchcock movie "birds" seemed to be some sort of a joke!

Snorkeling was one of the highlights, too. The encounter with a manta ray at the snorkeling site made the day for our lovers of water-activities. The manta ray was at least 10 feet from one "wing" tip to another, and swam peacefully and gracefully among the snorkelers, providing a feeling of joy and happiness.

The day could not have ended any better than having a sunset cocktail party on the sky-deck, and once again, watching how the horizon will bring us a new day full of surprises.