Floreana Island

Our day on Floreana Island was like no other day for us. We had a nice balmy breeze and mirror like seas, which indicates the arrival of the warm season. As we visited La Loberia we got more and more captivated by the large numbers of Galápagos sea lions, pelicans, Sally light foot crabs, great blue herons, and the impressive coast line.

Suddenly, someone pointed out a female green sea turtle passing under our Zodiac; we all looked at this turtle with great curiosity and then there was something unusual about it, this one had a plastic mesh bag around its neck. We all went to rescue this animal from a slow and terrible death. We approached very carefully, and even though she managed to escape the first time, she didn’t leave the area and stayed close to our Zodiacs. Our drivers took us close enough, so we could use our hands and arms to grab the dangerous plastic mesh bag and successfully cut it off from her neck. We all were relieved to know that the turtle would survive, and that one day the same turtle will be back to these waters to successfully reproduce.

After the amazing experience we had in the morning, we visited Punta Cormorant in the afternoon. Some of our guests went kayaking, while others went ashore to visit one of the best places to observe flamingos in the archipelago. During our walk we encountered several flamingos feeding, and some youngsters were looking for shrimps by themselves while three adults were nesting on an old lava flow. We returned to the ship in the late afternoon after enjoying a wonderful sunset.