Bartolome and Santiago Islands

Today’s visit was very exiting! You never know what to expect of an island like Bartolome or Santiago. We started early in the morning heading up to the summit of Bartolome; the geology of this place is simply amazing! We were surrounded by dozens of spatter cones and the color of the lava and the landscape of this site makes us believe that we are visiting a different planet.

Shortly after our walk we landed on a golden beach in order to do some aquatic activities, the snorkeling was full of surprises as we found many schools of tropical fish and some penguins, some of our guests decided to go for a walk across sand dunes to arrive at the southern beach of the island. Here they saw many blue-footed boobies and pelicans diving for their fish in very well synchronized movements, as well as sally light foot crabs laying eggs in the tidal pool; everyone was enjoying this island a lot! When we were about to go back on board we encountered a Galápagos hawk that landed right in front of us and caught a lava lizard for his breakfast.

We set sail as soon as everyone came back on board to the island of Santiago, our destination was a place called Puerto Egas. Here we landed to enjoy our last snorkeling, off a black sandy beach, the water was nice and full of life - some sharks were swimming so close to us that we felt we were part of their ecosystem.

After our snorkeling we ended our day with a walk along the coastal part of Puerto Egas where we encountered Galápagos fur sea lions, many sea birds and migratory birds. Once again we were able to observe that the animals on these islands are not afraid about people, the landscape in this island was just amazing when we were walking back to the beach we saw a beautiful sunset that painted the sky with several colors, letting us know that this trip has come to an end.