Floreana Island

We reached the island of Floreana, which is named Charles in English, a late stage perfect shield volcano that is a few million years old. What we can see today is the parasitic cones scattered all over the island, as the summit of the main volcano has already collapsed. This place is very rich in human history; in fact we went quite early to visit famous Post Office bay, which was well known by the early explorers and whalers that used to anchor here to repair their boats and to get some food and water supplies.

Later on we went to Champion islet, a great location for water activities. The glass bottom boat, floating spa and snorkeling were offered, and indeed we all had a great time. Afterwards we went back to the same islet to search for sea birds and the highlight for many of our guests was to see the tropic bird fling along those cliffs. In the afternoon we visited Punta Cormorant, where we encountered flamingoes and several other shorebirds. Before the walk people could choose from among a bevy of different options: snorkeling around Devil’s Crown, snorkeling and swimming form the beach, or relaxing on board and enjoying the fabulous view from the outside decks of the Polaris. There are always options for everyone!