Dragon Hill, Santa Cruz Island

We began our adventure in the morning with the options of kayaking or Zodiac riding through the water channels of Venice islets. We found some blue-footed boobies on the rocks and some brown pelicans resting on the mangroves, and as soon as we got closer to terra firma we spotted some land iguanas. One of our guests saw the first juvenile black tip shark, and minutes later, we were greeted by a green see turtle that came up to the surface for air. Afterwards, while we went to a great snorkeling site, others decided to go to the beach for a tranquil swim.

The afternoon started with a lovely walk to look for the dragon looking animals, the land iguanas; behind the landing place we encountered flamingos and a couple of common stilts that were feeding at the brackish water lagoon. As we kept on walking through the arid zone we found several land iguanas taking advantage of the shade under the bushes.

Once back on board, we closed this terrific day with a spectacular sunset while circumnavigating the island of Daphne Major.