Española Island

This morning we had excellent luminosity, therefore we could take wonderful pictures of Galápagos’s birds, especially the famous blue-footed boobies.

We disembarked early in the morning in a point covered with reddish marine iguanas; right beside them we had sea lions and lava lizards; we had animals all around! The amazing fact about the Galápagos Islands is that all these creatures have never felt any fear of humans, so they let you walk right beside them, as if we are part of their normal lives.

Later on we saw a colony of waved albatrosses; they were resting by the cliff ready to jump off and fly to the south, because their migration will start soon.

In the afternoon we sailed to another side of Española and we dropped anchor in front of a beautiful beach called Gardner, where we did all our snorkel activities but also we had the great experience of walking along and seeing many baby sea lions, only a few days old.

It was a great experience for all of us to see the way these marine mammals walk and roll on the beach and play like little pups. I call them marine dogs, from their similarity to man's best friend. I am pretty sure that if were able to give legs to these animals, they would run as dogs do. Evolution in action, evolution is what happens every second on Earth and here in this archipelago you can see its clear effects.