Bartholomew and Santiago Islands

Our day started early in the morning with a nice walk to the summit of Bartholomew Island and we had a great view of one of the most impressive and famous landscapes of the archipelago.

This was an unusual morning due to the conditions we had at the landing place and for the duration of the morning. Disembarking from the Zodiacs was quite exciting as the winds from the north are becoming stronger and produced large waves. These very conditions at the beach allowed body surfing which was absolutely outstanding, and the water temperature was just fabulous.

For our last walk this afternoon we visited the western coast of Santiago Island which is in the long process of recovering after the presence of goats, donkeys and pigs. These animals were introduced by early visitors and caused lots of destruction on the endemic fauna and flora. After an intensive eradication campaign these feral animals are no longer found here and the native and unique populations of animals and plants now have the great opportunity to recuperate and return to their original state.

We returned aboard after our afternoon’s visit and shared some delightful time together remembering the highlights of this week.