Española Island

We arrived to Española Island early in the morning, just in time to see our first sunrise in the Galápagos Islands; after breakfast some of us went to explore Punta Suarez located on the northwestern side of Española Galápagos. This is a fabulous place, you really can experience that animals have no fear of people; they look at you trying to figure out what type of creature you are.

Española is one of the oldest islands in The Galápagos Archipelago and therefore has a high degree of endemic species so we could see most of them; among others we encountered mockingbirds, marine iguanas, lava lizards, Galápagos hawks, warbler finches. The landscape of this island is simply amazing, we walked along cliffs where we saw a blow hole (a fissure where the water from the sea is ejected very high due to pressure), and many sea birds such as Nazca boobies, swallow-tailed gulls, red-billed tropic birds. The tide was very low so we could observe many tide pools full of sea lion pups playing.

The rest of our guests decided to do a shorter exploration on the same trail, followed by a Zodiac ride along Punta Suarez; they encountered many species of sea birds and some Pacific green sea turtles.

In the afternoon we dropped anchor at Gardner Bay on the northeastern coast of Española Island. Here we had prepared many options for our guests so that everyone could enjoy the magic of Galápagos from different perspectives. The most experienced snorkelers went deep water snorkeling around turtle rock off the coast of Gardner Bay. They came back very exited since they could see the underwater world of this rock full of life; they saw many schools of tropical fish, as well as some big creatures such as diamond sting rays and a white-tipped reef shark.

We wanted everybody to see the marine ecosystem of Galápagos so for those guests who did not want to go to the water, we organized glass bottom bout tours; Some guests went to a long white sandy beach bimming with sea lions for a walk and a leisurely afternoon; the ones that were eager to do some sport activity went on a kayak exploration along the cliffs of Gardner Bay.

After all our activities we went back on board and enjoyed a sunset cocktail, in this beautiful paradise in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.